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Message # 61220.1.1

Subject: Read This Re:Supergirl Underwater Fan Film Donation Campiagn Update $ 900?

Date: Fri 02/05/14 14:42:40 GMT

Name: jimbobklyn5 us

Email: jimbobklyn5@yahoo.com


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The reason this project costs around the $1,000 mark is because of the actress/model fees and production fees. the production fee is reasonable, but the actress fees are pretty steep since we are using 3 actresses. The more actresses I use in the film, the higher the cost and also it's a lot due to the dialogue of the scrip as well, which will be extreme. Mind you..this is a custom video request I submitted to MMP Studios that will become a fan film, just like the last two fan films. but, like I said, we are not expecting $700 to $800 of donations, we hope to around the 300 to 400 dollar mark of donation or even less, just like in the last two fan film donation funding campaigns. And it came in handy as we got the fan films funded quickly. But if the project can get a little bit to help the funding along the way for the project, it would be great appreciate it. Now, for me and my writers..we have said in other forums and on the project's facebook page that we have began to save up money for the majority of the project's budget..our target to save up is almost between the range of $800 to $900 from our side, and hopefully between $200 to $400 or even more from the funding campaign. Now you say that the fan films look like an afternoon of filming. It's takes the actresses and the crew 6 hours to film a project. for the first two fan films, it took longer due to the dialogue of the scripts. Besides, MMP Studios does most of the filming of their videos in the daytime time from Morning to afternoon. The same will go for this script too. I hope I answered your question to the best of my ability.  
In reply to Message (61220.1) Question Supergirl Underwater Fan Film Donation Campiagn Update $ 900?

By fishiewam - uu Fri 02/05/14 12:50:56 GMT


May I ask why this project would costs around $ 900,-?


It looks like an afternoon of filming (no offense)



In reply to Message (61220) Film/AVI Supergirl Underwater Fan Film Donation Campiagn Update

By jimbobklyn5 - jimbobklyn5@yahoo.com us Thu 01/05/14 23:25:05 GMT

Website: https://www.facebook.com/SupergirlEndurance

ONE MONTH TO GO IN THE SUPERGIRL & THE BLOODY TRACES OF STARGIRL DONATION FUNDING CAMPAIGN!!! The project need at least $700 to help fund the project.


So far, the donation campaign has not gotten off to a good start as the project's donation campaign as not gotten any donations to help fund the project. But there is one month left in the campaign to help fund the project and get the wheel going on it. I'm targeting Summer time aka June/early July for this custom made fan film video project to hopefully get filmed and have it upload on WON YouTube This Summer. So far, me and partners have begun to save up and we are aiming to save up at least $800 to $900 bucks for most of the cost/fees from the video. Now, of course if we get no donations to fund the project, then well have to put out the entire amount from our pockets and that will take a long while to do and most likely push the project back more further than we hope. Of course that what we hope will not happen. So, once again I want to say that your financial support will be greatly appreciated and If you have any questions, Email me: jimbobklyn5@yahoo.com or wontv5@gmail.com


For more info and updates on this project in the work or to give your opinions...leave your replies here or on our facebook page or at the superheroine forum.


Go/click on this link to go to the project's indiegogo page: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/supergirl-the-bloody-traces-of-stargirl/x/3169026


A reminder that The last day to donate to the project is June 1st @ 11:59pm PT/ June 2nd @ 2am ET


Here is donation campaign promo for WON YouTube Network/MMP Studios' Supergirl & The Bloody Traces Of Stargirl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1IJt_CJyc8


Here are the first two Supergirl Underwater Fan films now playing on YouTube!

Supergirl & The Watery Trap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irM-851QiGw

Supergirl Endurance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NoiveABHwA

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