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Message # 42265.

Subject: Hello Thanks for the replies

Date: Tue 15/12/09 00:33:58 GMT

Name: Dave us

Email: spawn75@gmail.com


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Thanks for all the replies everybody. I'm very surprised at the responses I got. I really figured I would've been ignored or told to take this somewhere else or something like that. Since that night, I actually haven't wanted to get wet at all and have worn hose some. So, maybe I "scared myself straight" so to speak. I'm gonna still enjoy getting wet but maybe it isn't gonna control me now
In reply to Message (42265.4.2.1) Talking Re:More information

By AnthonyX - anthonyx@jowc.net ca Mon 14/12/09 02:49:57 GMT


OK... but I think my comments largely stand as-is.


You've got two potential problems...


One problem is about compulsiveness. I understand that your step-daughter didn't miss her appointment - this time. My point is more about where your urges may take you in the future.


The other problem is with the way your kink fits in with your relationship with your wife. Even if she's OK with it now, and gets into it with you from time to time, if it has such a prominent place in your life and she's largely not involved, she's eventually going to start feeling left out and ultimately resentful.


My advice still stands... don't let it take control of you - if the urges overwhelm you at inconvenient or inappropriate times, that's a sign you are losing control and need some professional guidance to correct the situation.


If this behavior is being triggered or amplified by stress, it doesn't mean that when the stress goes away so will the behavior, and simply attributing it to stress (whether correctly or not) doesn't mean you can keep doing what you're doing. It's all very well enjoying something harmless to relieve stress, but you also need to address what is causing the stress and how you are responding to it. My advice still stands - you really ought to discuss the whole matter with a qualified mental health professional - everything you've covered in your posts.

In reply to Message (42265.4.2) Note More information

By Dave - spawn75@gmail.com us Sat 12/12/09 14:11:21 GMT


I guess I should have been a little more clear. While I am enjoying getting wet, I'm not "getting off" so to speak. I get more relaxed then anything. Also, this "urge" has only recently appeared. Could stress have an impact on stuff like this? I've actually been under alot more stress then usual these past 2 months. (On a side note, my stepdaughter didn't miss her appointment, we were actually early but I know that's not the point) In your last paragraph, that's how I used to be until about 2 months ago. My wife knows about my liking wetlook and my crossdressing. She actually gets into it sometimes. So, I'm really wondering if this is all stress related.
In reply to Message (42265.4) Talking Re:I need some advice for a possible problem

By AnthonyX - anthonyx@jowc.net ca Sat 12/12/09 04:29:34 GMT


Let's first try to identify the what actually constitutes a problem.


That you enjoy cross-dressing, that you get turned on by pantyhose, and specifically wet pantyhose - not a problem. We all have our kinks; the common thread of wetlook is why this forum exists.


That you seem to NEED wet pantyhose to get turned on - could be a problem - at least when it comes to relationships with women (I assume you are straight and either have or desire a partner). It's one thing having what I'll call a kink - sharing it with the right partner can make sex a lot more interesting. It's quite another having a fetish (as the psychology professionals use the term). When it becomes a fetish, it can get in the way of a relationship. The way I read your post, I think you could have crossed the line from kink to fetish. If you're OK with enjoying it all by youself, it's probably not a problem. If you want a healthy relationship,  you may need some professional help to reign yourself back in.


Where I would definitely say there is a problem, it is with impulse control - or perhaps addictive behavior of sorts. If you are so driven to satisy your wet pantyhose urges that it intrudes on other parts of your life, you definitely have a problem. Having a passion for something is fine - so long as noone gets hurt and you can control it. It seems to me that your passions are controlling you, rather than the other way around. That's where you definitely need some professional counselling. Indulging your wet passion when it may adversely affects other people (making your step-daughter miss an appointment) or where you may be discovered seems almost self-destructive - like you want to be caught, knowing the consequences. Perhaps this is another issue to discuss with an appropriate professional.


If you said you enjoyed dressing in pantyhose and getting wet, but only in private or with your partner, and only when it was "on your own time", I would have said "more power to you". The fact that your wetlook passion seems to be taking control of you is why I think you have a problem, and you should seek professional counselling before something bad happens (like losing your job, or being barred from contact with your step daughter).


I wish you all the best.

In reply to Message (42265) Help Me I need some advice for a possible problem

By Dave - spawn75@gmail.com us Sat 12/12/09 02:40:19 GMT


I have a possible problem that I need advice on. This will be a long post also. You should know that I am a CD and have a massive passion for pantyhose and wetlook. That being said, I usually don’t want to get wet unless I have pantyhose on. I think I am getting to a point where when I have hose on, I want to get wet too much. Here lately, when I have hose on even under my regular clothes, the urge to get wet is so strong I can hardly control it. But, when I don’t have hose on, I’m not really in the mood to get wet. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t care if I have a change of clothes to put on after or not, I have to get wet. The other day, I had to take my stepdaughter to the dentist. I was wearing hose and got dressed and was waiting for her to finish getting ready. The urge to get wet hit me and I “had” to get wet. So, I took a spray bottle of water I keep in my bedroom, sat on my bed, and poured the water all over me. I then had to undress, dry my hose off as best as I could, then get redressed and take her to her dentist. There have been many times where I have gotten wet and haven’t had another pair of jeans to put on and have had to put my sweatpants that I sleep in on. Last night was probably the biggest “event” yet. I was working the night shift at the hotel I work at (I work in maintenance) when after the kitchen had closed down and everyone was gone, I went in there and filled the scrub sink full of water. This sink is about 3 feet wide and about 2 to 2 ½ deep. I pulled off my shoes and socks and rolled up my pants legs and dipped my feet into the water. Yes, I was wearing pantyhose. If I hadn’t been, I wouldn’t have done this. I took an empty bottle next to me and started pouring water up my legs to where my pants stopped. After a few minutes of doing this, I raised my legs out of the water and rolled my pants legs back down. I then re-stuck my legs into the water for a few more minutes. I then raised each leg and put my sock back on and went back into the water before putting my shoes on. I then drained the water. After the water was all gone, I looked at my legs better to see just how wet I was. My pants were not too visibly wet. I went back into my shop and did some work that was needing to be done. At 10, I had to go make my outside rounds and make sure all the doors were locked and that the pool was locked. I made my rounds then went into the pool area when the urge hit me again. I left a side door unlocked and locked the main doors then went back to the steps to the pool. I looked around for a few minutes to make sure nobody could see me and I dipped my foot down to the second step which was about shin deep. I then got out real quick and stood there for a minute. I couldn’t believe what I had just done but I wanted to get even wetter. So, I did. I went down to the bottom step that came almost up to my waist. If I had been seen or called, I don’t know what I would have done. But  I loved the feeling I was having of being wet. I got out and went back to my shop although I went the long and back way. As I stayed in my shop catching my breath and getting warm since the water was ice cold, I thought to go back into the kitchen and get wet some more. So I did. I filled the sink all the way up and dipped my shoes into it and used the bottle by it to pour water all over my pants. I stayed in there for a few minutes. When I saw it was close to the time for me to go home, I got out and went back into my shop and used a towel I had in there to dry myself off as best as I could. I put my radio and keys up and went into housekeeping and got a couple of big towels to put on the seat of my car so I could drive home and not get my seat wet. On my way home is when I started really thinking about what would have happened if I had gotten caught. I’m pretty sure I would have had more then just a write up or suspension. So, how or what could I do to curb this urge I have to get wet so much? I can’t stop wearing hose as I love them too much and I am usually miserable when I don't have any on. I’m really nervous about what could possibly happen down the line. Any suggestions?

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